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EPam Wars: Don’t Call it a Delay!

EPam Wars will not be released on December 13th.  I’m not done yet.  I will be soon.  Sorry.

EPam Wars  2013.

Talk to Phil Fish after saving to reveal an Easter Egg.

3 responses

  1. Faggot Crushing Gothic Killingspree

    Ha! I fucking knew this would happen!

    Is this because you’re still busy implementing the two batches of new ideas I delivered to you recently? I’d hate to think that this is somehow my fault, since I’m the first one to always criticize the development length of EPam Wars Forever.

    I noticed the lack of a tentative release date, though. Not a good sign. Not a good sign at all. These are indeed troubling times. Fuck you, Ward. Fuck you.

    December 13, 2013 at 5:47 am

    • Don’t you EVER! …because, yes, it very much is a result of those joke dumps. Adding Mike visiting Woburniacola from Seattle was a solid hour long project. Then there was the Teenager Sex Club addition, along with Wesley Willis and then Devin’s fabulous flying spider sex. I’ll be wrapping up early next week, but it’s your fault we all aren’t enjoying this game today. Fuck you, Brett. Fuck you.

      The ETA mentioned in the post is 2013, btw.

      December 13, 2013 at 11:38 am

      • Faggot Crushing Gothic Killingspree

        So I take it Devin’s back in then? Wise choice, if you in fact came to your senses and put him back. I trust Kenny B. died a horrible death as a result? And just be thankful your game is going to be that much more awesome because of this Motherfucker Lee Nude’s ideas.

        Oh, and use Quijibo as a name for one of your beloved Chocobos. Just use names of things from The Simpsons, like Malk, Sorny, Gabbo, Princess Tempura, Meganaut and have one male Chocobo named Nuts and a female counterpart named Gum and that way you can pair them up and be all ‘Nuts & Gum – Together At Last!’ And throw in an unrelated Hank Grill for good measure.

        There I go again, making your game better. This game is practically half mine at this point. I come up with the ideas, and you push the keys. I’d demand royalties if you were going to make any money off of this game.

        In other words, “that’s my face up there next to the pepper steak, and don’t you forget it.”

        December 15, 2013 at 12:53 pm

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